E.W. Gillett Building
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

  • Image of E.W. Gillett Building (Complete)
  • Image of E.W. Gillett Building (Complete)
Image of E.W. Gillett Building (Complete)


Also Known AsE.W. Gillett Building[1]

Primary Address276 King Street West[1][2]

Postal CodeM5V 3C6[1][2]

Additional Addresses274 King Street West[1]

FrontsDuncan Street, King Street West, and Pearl Street

NeighbourhoodWaterfront Communities-the Island

CityToronto, Ontario, Canada

Urban AgglomerationGreater Golden Horseshoe

Nearby Buildings266 to 270 King West - Structure 2, 268 King West, 266 to 270 King West - Structure 3, 266 to 270 King West - Structure 1, 15 Duncan, Anderson Building, 223 Adelaide Street, Metro Hall North, Princess of Wales Theatre, and 184 Pearl Street

Nearby ParksIsabella Valancy Crawford Park, Metro Hall, Simcoe Park, Sir William Campbell House, and St. Patricks Square

WardTrinity-Spadina (20)



DesignationCommercial[2], and Office[2]


Floors Above-Ground5[1]



E.W. Gillett Building - CompleteE.W. Gillett Building - CompleteE.W. Gillett Building - CompleteE.W. Gillett Building - CompleteE.W. Gillett Building - Complete


  1. 2012-04-13: City of Toronto - Toronto and East York Community Council, "Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - 283 Adelaide Street West - Zoning Amendment Application - Preliminary Report", City Of Toronto - Toronto And East York Community Council
  2. 2008-06-09: Onsite Observations