Development Permit Staff Committee Report for the Development Permit Board
1529 West Pender Street - DE404754 - Zone CD-1 (Complete Application)
(For: Monday, February 21, 2000)
Development Permit Staff Committee Members
Executive Summary
Development Permit Staff Committee Recommendation: Approve in Principle
Technical Analysis (By-law Regulations)
Technical Analysis (Design Guidelines)
Urban Design Panel
Housing Centre
Engineering Services Department
Permits and Licenses Department
Vancouver/Richmond Health Board
Fire & Rescue Services
Development Permit Staff Committee Comments
Appendix A - Standard Conditions
Appendix B - Standard Notes and Conditions of Development Permit
Back to Agenda
Present: Also Present:
B. Boons (Chair), Planning Department
N. Peters, Engineering Services Department
T. Driessen, Parks & Recreation
M. Kemble, Planning Department
R. Segal, Planning Department
B. Fong, Planning Department
R. Waite, Engineering Services
P. Pinsker, Engineering Services
APPLICANT: OWNER OF DEVELOPMENT: Busby and Associates Architects
1050 Hornby Street
Vancouver, B.C.
V6B 2W93170497 Canada Inc.
Suite 1070 - 505 Burrard Street
Vancouver, B.C.
V7X 1M5Executive Summary
Proposal: To construct a 28-storey residential/commercial building with a two-storey and mezzanine podium for retail and office uses, 11 strata townhouses (with office use on the ground level), 225 rental dwelling units and three levels of underground parking.See Appendix A - Standard conditions
Appendix B - Standard Notes and Conditions of Development Permit
Appendix C - Plans and elevations
Appendix D - Applicant's design rationale
Appendix E - Extracts from form of development approved in April 1998
1. Loading proximity to and base treatment on Nicola Street
2. Hastings Street setback encroachments
3. Street base wall treatmentsUrban Design Panel: Support
Development Permit Staff Committee Recommendation: Approval
THAT the Board APPROVE Development Application No. 404754 as submitted, the plans and information forming a part thereof, thereby permitting the construction of a 28-storey residential/commercial building with a two-storey and mezzanine retail and office uses, 11 strata townhouses ( with office use on the ground level), 225 rental dwelling units and three levels of underground parking, subject to the following conditions:
1.0 Prior to the issuance of the development permit, revised drawings and information shall be submitted to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning, clearly indicating:
1.1 design development to the Nicola Street base level treatment, to relocate the proposed loading bays into the interior portion of the building, and to provide active uses with glazing along the Nicola Street frontage;
Note to Applicant: Consideration should be given to placing a portion of the residential lobby or active amenity space adjacent to the street edge, with clear glazing at ground level and the extent of solid wall significantly reduced. Staff are prepared to consider a reduction in the loading bay requirement from three to two spaces to accommodate this re-configuration.
1.2 design development to the north side of the tower adjacent to Hastings Street, to remove any vertical structural elements from the 2 m setback area, so that only cantilevered, glazed balconies encroach beyond the setback line;
1.3 design development to the treatment of the blank concrete wall areas, including the west wall facing future residential development at the corner of West Georgia and Cardero Streets, to provide a horizontal reveal pattern with architectural concrete that better responds to the intent of the guidelines with respect to emphasizing an overall masonry character for the street base zone of buildings in this neighbourhood;
1.4 design development to the podium level deck treatment, to provide a children's play area in response to potential needs by families renting in this development;
1.5 design development to the ground floor office uses on Hastings Street to ensure compliance with the use section of the CD-1 By-law and any applicable requirements of the Vancouver Building By-law, and to ensure no portion encroaches onto the 2 m required setback;
Note to Applicant: Disabled access, separation of uses, and exiting requirements must be met. Clarification should be provided as to the functioning of the office use as part of the residential unit.
2.0 That the conditions set out in Appendix A be met prior to the issuance of the Development Permit.
3.0 That the Notes to Applicant and Conditions of the Development Permit set out in Appendix B be approved by the Board.
Technical Analysis (By-law Regulations):
(Sub-Area 1.1a)
REQUIRED PROPOSED Site Size - - Irregular Site Area - - 2 492.5 m² Floor Area Strata Resi. 1 226 m²
Rental Resi. 13 905 m²
Total Resi. 15 131 m²
Retail 1 410 m²
Offices 1 410 m²-
Strata Resi. 1 201.6 m²
Rental Resi. 13 924.3 m²
Total Resi. 15 125.9 m²
Retail 1 407.7 m²
Offices 1 409.0 m²Dwelling Units 281
Strata Units 11
Rental Units 225
Total 236Height 84 m
- 84.46 m* (to top of parapet)
Parking -
Strata Units 16
Rental Units 138
Retail 25
Office 15
Visitors 12
206Strata Units 16
Rental Units 172
Retail 25
Office 15
Visitors 12
240Loading -
Retail 1
Office 1
Residential 1
Bicycle -
Class A 4
Class B 6
Class A 295
Class B 6Commercial
Class A 4
Class B 6
Class A 295
Class B 6Amenity 3 000 m²
(for all 5 sub areas)-
Existing 1 647 m²
This proposal 88 m²
Total to date 1 735 m²Balconies Open & enclosed 1 210 m²
enclosed 605 m²-
Open & enclosed 1 205 m²
enclosed 605 m²*Note of Height of Towers: The proposed tower is over the maximum permitted height of 84 m by 0.46 m. Condition A.1.1 seeks to reduce the height to comply with the CD-1 By-law. The CD-1 By-law excludes mechanical penthouse and roof in height measurement.
Technical Analysis (Design Guidelines):
REQUIRED (MINIMUM) PROPOSED Podium Height 11 m - 11.9 m* Street Base Setback - 2 m 1.2 m at base to face of columns, zero lot beyond 12.5 m high** Tower Floor Plate 580 m²
587.1 m²***
Tower Width 24 m
21.5 m
Residential Livability -
Width 2 m
Area 4 m²Balcony
Width 2 m
Area 12 m²*Note on Podium Height: Staff support this increase in podium height of 0.9 m noting that there is insignificant view blockage.
**Note on Street Base Setback: The setback on Hastings Street is 1.2 m to face of columns. A 2 m setback has been provided to the outside wall of the tower. However, the open balconies on the fourth to 28th floors encroach over the 2 m setback up to property line along Hastings Street. This is consistent with the plans indicated for the text amendment to the CD-1 By-law in April 1998. Staff support the open balcony encroachment.
***Note on Tower Floor Plate: Tower floor plate may be increased to 595 m² for towers located within the are between Cardero and Broughton Streets in accordance with Section 3.4.2(c)(ii) of the Marina Neighbourhood CD-1 Guidelines for Land Development. Staff support the proposed tower floor plate.
Legal Description
Lot: 1
Block: 42
Plan: LMP 39928 of the Public of the Harbour of Burrard Inlet
District Lot: 185History of Application
99 12 23 Preliminary DA submitted
00 01 26 Urban Design Panel
00 02 09 Development Permit Staff CommitteeSite: The site is located at the northwest corner of West Pender and Nicola Street. It is a double-fronting site between Pender and Hastings Streets. There is an approximate 10 ft. slope down in topography from Pender Street to Hastings Street.
Significant adjacent development includes:
(a) 1575 West Georgia Street: a future 14-storey residential tower
(b) 699 Cardero Street (DE404701); a 25-storey market rental residential tower
(c) 499 Nicola Street (Coal Harbour Co-op); 4- and 7-storey family non-market housing containing 99 units : occupied.
(d) 500 Nicola Street (DE404521); a 268 unit, mixed-use development, including two residential towers at 20- and 25-storeys, over a 3-storey townhouse base, with commercial use along the waterfront.
(e) 1478 West Hastings Street (DE404727), a 7-storey mixed-use commercial/residential building
(f) 1500 West Georgia Street (Crown Life Building), a 20-storey office building: occupied.
Background: This site was originally included in the Coal Harbour Marina Neighbourhood CD-1 rezoning approved in 1991. Subsequent to this, several text amendments have been made to the CD-1 zoning, most recently in April, 1998. At that time, a revised form of development was also approved by Council (see Appendix E), as well as maximum height changes from 73 m to 84 m for the tower. In the fall of 1999, staff first met with the applicant for this particular complete application.
Applicable By-laws and Guidelines:
1. CD-1 (#312) Zoning
2. Marina Neighbourhood (300 Cardero Street) CD-1 GuidelinesResponse to Applicable By-laws and Guidelines:
1. CD-1 Zoning
2. Marina Neighbourhood GuidelinesThe proposal generally complies with the guidelines except for the following:
Loading proximity to and base treatment on Nicola Street
At the rezoning stage in November 1997, the preliminary plans submitted showed parking access provided from Nicola Street, with a single loading bay located on the west side of the tower core. To the south of the parking entry along Nicola Street, the entrance to the residential lobby featured a generous set of steps and covered entryway area. The complete application has made the following changes to the loading/access provisions:
- the number of loading bays has been increased from one to three;
- the location of the loading bays has been moved to the east side of the tower core, immediately adjacent to Nicola Street;
- a blank wall between the parking entrance and the residential lobby entry has resulted from the loading bay location, extending about 40 ft. along the property line, and 3-storeys in height; and
- the residential entry has been shifted to Pender Street, with a glazed lobby and amenity space extending about 40 ft. around the corner on to Nicola Street.Staff are concerned about the lack of pedestrian amenity and extent of blank wall treatment caused by the change to the loading arrangements. The guidelines for the Marina Neighbourhood (under Section 3.5) call for "Buildings should be attractive to the pedestrian by avoiding blank, impersonal facades, especially at street level." Accordingly, staff recommend further design development to the Nicola Street base level treatment, to relocate the proposed loading bays further into the building interior and to develop an active commercial or amenity use along this frontage with clear glazing and a minimum amount of blank concrete walls (see condition 1.1).
Hastings Street Setback: The guidelines under Section 4.1 Precinct 1 - Pender/Nicola call for a 2.0 - 4.0 m setback from the property line along West Pender, Nicola and West Hastings Streets.
The application provides 2.0 m setbacks along West Pender and Nicola Streets, but along West Hastings Street portions of the tower support columns and open balconies encroach within this setback zone. The balconies extend 2.0 m out from the building face close to the property line, and two of the tower support columns are setback only about 1 m from the property line.
At the rezoning stage, the open balconies on the north side of the building were shown encroaching within the setback zone (see Appendix E), but with no supporting tower structure in this area. Staff support the cantilevered, open balcony encroachments for the following reasons:
the balcony location on the north side of the tower, rather than extensions on the east and west sides, benefits northerly views from upland properties by keeping the east-west tower width very narrow;
public view impacts looking west along Hastings Street are not significantly affected due to the curved street alignment and its termination at Cardero Street; and
the cantilevered balcony slabs with fully glazed railings present only minor view impacts.However, staff support for the open balcony encroachments is subject to further design development to remove any tower support structure from the minimum 2 m setback zone (see condition 1.2)
Response to Rezoning Conditions:
At the last rezoning stage in April, 1998, a number of Conditions of Approval were adopted, as outlined below:
(i) "Design development to the layouts of the residential units to provide greater variety in unit type and size, and to provide usable private open space for each unit, in the form of open, enclosed or French' balconies."
Applicant's Response: The suite mix has been revised to be comprised of 51 rental studio suites, 124 rental one bedroom suites, 50 rental two bedroom suites, and 11 strata two-bedroom townhouses. All rental two-bedroom suites have open balconies, all rental one-bedroom suites have enclosed balconies, and all 11 strata townhouses have open sundecks. Because of their modest size (40 - 44 m²), the studio suites have no balconies.
Staff consider the condition met.
(ii) "Design development to the podium level amenity and deck areas to maximize their usability for residents and to improve the deck's appearance when viewed from above."
Applicant's Response: As illustrated in the landscape plan, the roof of the podium will be landscaped with a combination of hard and soft surfaces, and container systems. The amenity will be accessible to all rental residents from the fourth floor of the tower. The design is intended to contribute to the visual landscape of not only the rental tower but also the many neighbouring towers as well.
Given the provision of 50 rental two bedroom suites in the tower, some of which may be occupied by families, staff recommend further design development to the podium level treatment to incorporate a small play area suitable for small children (see condition 1.4).
(iii) "Design development to the western party wall of the commercial podium to improve its interface with adjacent approved residential development."
Applicant's Response: The west wall will match the exposed concrete treatment being proposed for the townhouses. The surface of the concrete will be articulated with a combination of reveals and form-work divisions, and a pattern of concrete tie cones.
Staff are concerned about the treatment of all exposed concrete wall areas, including this wall area, and recommend further design development to incorporate a stronger pattern of horizontal reveals to better relate to the street base masonry character of the neighbourhood, in response to the guidelines (see condition 1.3).
(iv) "Lowering of the pedestrian canopy on Pender Street to an approximate height of 3.1 m (10 ft.) above the sidewalk to improve its effectiveness for weather protection."
Applicant's Response: The height of the pedestrian canopy has been reduced from the 5.0 m height shown at the rezoning stage, and is proposed to be about 3.0 m above the sidewalk.
Staff consider this condition met.
(v) "Design development to take into consideration the principles of CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) having particular regard to reducing opportunities for theft in the underground parking garage, break and enter, and vandalism such as graffiti."
At the rezoning stage, environmental design measures were identified and taken to reduce the opportunity for crime and vandalism, including territoriality and surveillance. The City did identify unresolved issues with security of the residential underground parking.
While the applicant has responded partially to these concerns, further staff concerns with CPTED issues are covered under conditions A.1.11 to A.1.14.
Conclusion: Staff support this innovative proposal for rental housing in the Marina Neighbourhood of Coal Harbour, subject to resolution of the Nicola Street loading treatment issue, and other conditions as noted in the report.
The Urban Design Panel reviewed this application on January 26, 2000, and provided the following comments:
Introduction: The Development Planner, Mike Kemble, reviewed the history of this site at the corner of Nicola and Pender Streets, where it merges into Georgia Street. Originally the site was part of the Coal Harbour Marina Neighbourhood but this complete application is dealing with a refinement of the previously approved form of development for rental housing,. The tower massing is virtually the same as unanimously supported at the rezoning in 1997 with slight differences in how the outside skin is massed. Basically, the tower is the same slim lozenge shape which minimises impacts on north-south views. The 2-storey podium base has commercial use on both levels on Pender Street, and fronting on Hastings Street are live-work townhouse units. He placed the site in context, noting its visibility from Georgia Street.
At the rezoning stage there were several design conditions raised. The first was to provide more variety in the size and the layout of the residential units, including provision for more private open space. More variety of unit size is provided by this application. The second issue was the usability of the podium level and deck areas. Flexible, private open space has been designed to maximize use for residents and to improve the appearance from above. The third was improvement to the face of the westerly podium wall, which will be faced by a future residential tower. A major proposed change is on the Nicola Street side; which shows three loading bays adjacent the parking entrance near the corner of Hastings Street. Of concern is the large blank wall next to the street edge. The pedestrian canopy on Pender Street has been lowered to 10 ft. above the sidewalk.
The Panel was asked to comment on five questions, the first on the Nicola Street edge treatment. By articulating the concrete wall and reducing the three loading bays (possibly eliminating one), the scale could be broken up as a more pedestrian friendly edge needs to be developed. The second issue is the tower massing, approved at previous stage. The third is the scale of the Hasting Street townhouses. A suggestion is more use of masonry materials at the lower level, to better respond to the neighbourhood guidelines. The fourth is the open space. As there are 50 units which are 2-bedroom there is the potential for families, so should there be provision for children to play on top of the roof area. The last issue is the slight increase in podium height, one metre above the guideline height, to accommodate the relationship between the commercial space and the townhouses, noting that this increase has little effect on views.
Applicant's Opening Comments: Mr Busby explained some possible changes to the Nicola Street facade to respond to staff concerns. He then elaborated on the complication which would be caused by relocating the loading bay. The residential lobby will be very visible to distinguish it from the commercial component. The exterior envelope has been simplified to achieve a sense of timelessness similar to the Crown Life Building across Georgia Street. This project is a rental tower and longevity is important so the solution is straightforward and simple. A high degree of articulation is provided on the townhouses with the materials and details such as handrails. The two sides of Hastings Street will have a relationship responding to the grade orientation and pedestrian scale of the lower level units. The minor relaxation in height requested for the podium is necessary to make the office floor plan workable with respect to the Hasting Street townhouses. The Official Development Plan has conditions on specific sites with respect to the family unit requirements and this one is not designated. Though there are 2-bedroom apartments, renters are not expected to be families in this downtown, professional urban building.
Mr. Webb explained the background for the rental tower which has a covenant on title for perpetuity and the units may not be strata-titled and transferred, the exception being the townhouses on Hastings Street. The City was asked for certain relaxations to make the development cost effective. The units are middle market, affordable rental.
Panel's Comments: The Panel fully supported this application commenting on the simplicity and elegance of the solution to provide rental units cost effectively. In terms of the massing, a suggestion was to allow the centre of the tower to read through for the top floor east and west wings. Two Panel members thought the sketch presented by the applicant at the meeting of a design solution resolved the issue on Nicola Street, and others were concerned that, because it was rental, the three loading bays may be necessary. Members said the combination of glass and wood is a good accent to the area and the townhouses do not need masonry. The comments on the open space were positive and it was felt that no special consideration was needed for children. The requested height relaxation for the podium was supported. Minor comments were made about refining the tower top, and about the Pender and Hastings Streets' elevations which needed to be woven together better on Nicola Street.
The 225 rental units proposed are in accordance with the rental density bonus contained in the Coal Harbour ODP enacted by City Council on November 6, 1990. The rental density bonus allows up to 0.5 FSR of additional density for rental units no larger than 70 m² (750 sq. ft.) net. A condition of enactment secures the rental tenure of the units and ensures their availability to families with children except in buildings designed exclusively for seniors.
The recommendation of the Engineering Services are contained in the prior-to conditions noted in Appendix A attached to this report.
This Development Application submission has not been reviewed for compliance with the Vancouver Building By-law (VBBL). The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the design of the building meets the VBBL requirements. The options available to assure VBBL compliance at an early stage of development should be considered by the applicant in consultation with Permits & Licenses staff.
To ensure that the project does not conflict in any substantial manner with the VBBL, the designer should know and take into account, at the Development Application stage, the VBBL requirements which may affect the building design and internal layout. These would generally include: spatial separation, fire separation, exiting, access for physically disabled persons, type of construction materials used, fire fighting access and energy utilization requirements.
1. Drawing A200A - Parking level P4
Exits shall be provided as per of the VBBL.2. Drawing A202 - Ground Floor
Underground parking exit travel distance through lobby should be reviewed under of the VBBL.3. Drawing A203 - Third Floor
Elevator open directly into exit should be reviewed under, integrity of Exits, of the VBBL.VANCOUVER/RICHMOND HEALTH BOARD
The Vancouver/Richmond Health Board recommends the submission of an acoustical consultant's report that assesses noise impacts on the site and recommends noise mitigation measures.
The Health Board advised that the applicant should take note of the following:
(i) adequate, conveniently located garbage storage area should be provided;
(ii) underground parking should be adequately ventilated to prevent the build up of noxious gases;
(iii) mechanical equipment (ventilators, generators, compactors) shall be designed and located to minimize noise impacts on the neighbourhood and comply with Vancouver Noise By-law #6555;
(iv) details of amenity areas should be submitted for review and clearance prior to construction;
(v) detailed drawings of food/retail spaces should be submitted for review by the Health Board for compliance with Vancouver Health By-law No. 6580 and the Food Premises Regulations prior to construction;
1. Fire Department access is acceptable subject to later review of the building's fire safety equipment.
2. The sprinkler and fire alarm systems must be able to direct emergency response to both the Hastings Street frontage townhouses and the Pender Street entrances via automatic signals.
3. Two fire department connections required with one facing Hastings Street and one facing Pender Street.
Three signs were erected on the site on January 24, 2000. In addition, 334 neighbouring properties were notified by letter. One letter inquiring whether there is a view corridor in this area was received. The inquirer was advised that there is no view corridor affecting this site.
The Committee supported the increase in tower floor plate from 580 m² to 587.1 m² and the podium height from 11 m to 11.9 m noting that there is minimal view obstruction. The Committee, however, did not support any encroachments onto the required 2 m setback on West Hastings Street, except for the cantilevered open balconies that were presented at the rezoning stage. The Committee emphasized that the open balconies should be cantilevered and not supported by columns.
The Nicola Street frontage with its solid wall should be significantly reduced and the loading bays relocated further into the interior portion of the building. The Committee also supported a reduction in the loading bay requirement from three to two. This will improve servicing the commercial delivery and the amenity on Nicola Street. The Committee noted the blank wall areas facing future residential development at the corner of West Georgia and Cardero Streets and recommended that a horizontal reveal pattern be provided to the concrete walls.
As the CD-1 By-law does not allow live/work uses, the Committee felt it was necessary for the applicant to justify how the proposed office and residential uses in the townhouses will function in accordance with the allowable uses in the CD-1 By-law and the applicable provisions of the Vancouver Building By-law.
As the proposal consists of 61 two-bedroom units, some of which may be occupied by families, the Committee recommended that the podium level be treated to provide a children's play area.
The following is a list of standard conditions that must also be met prior to issuance of the Development Permit.
A.1 Standard Conditions:
A.1.1 indicate height of tower not to exceed 84 m to top of roof parapet;
A.1.2 indicate width of tower on plans;
A.1.3 indicate the type of commercial uses on plan;
A.1.4 provide solid walls and doors to the bulk storage areas;
Note to Applicant: Glazed partitions are not acceptable.
A.1.5 delete all references to proposed signage;
Note to Applicant: Signage is regulated by the Sign By-law and requires separate approval.
A.1.6 delete portions of the building (open balconies) over City property (Refer to plan No. A-300);
A.1.7 provide details regarding types, finishing, equipment, and/or furnishings for the amenity areas;
A.1.8 provide details of balcony enclosures;
Note to Applicant: To qualify for an exclusion from floor space calculations (FSR), an enclosed balcony must be a distinct space separated from the remainder of the dwelling unit by walls, glass, and glazed doors [hinged or sliding], have an impervious floor surface, a flush threshold at the bottom of the door [for disabled access], large, openable windows for ventilation, and distinct exterior architectural expression. The openable window area should be absolutely maximized to allow the space to be utilized in a manner similar to an open balcony. In addition, each dwelling unit should have no more than one enclosed balcony, and all balconies, both open and enclosed should be clearly identified on the floor plans. Notation should also be made on the plans stating: "All enclosed balconies shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the Council-approved Balcony Enclosure Guidelines." Limitations on the amount of exclusions and enclosures permitted are described within the regulations of the respective District Schedule or Official Development Plan that apply to the specific site. For further details and specifications on enclosure requirements, refer to the City Council-approved Balcony Enclosure Guidelines.
A.1.9 design development to locate, integrate and fully screen any emergency generator, exhaust ventilation, electrical substation and gas meter in a manner that minimizes their impact on open space and the public realm;
Note to Applicant: All fresh-air intake portals must be located away form driveways and parking or loading areas in order to prevent contaminated air from being drawn into the building.
A.1.10 details of all parking spaces to comply with the applicable provision of the Parking By-law, having particular regard to space sizes, manoeuvring, height clearances, curbs, etc., including identification of all small car spaces and handicapped spaces.
Note to Applicant: Spaces located next to walls and structure require extra width, and the small car ratio shall not exceed those specified under Section 4.1.7 of the Parking By-law. The number of handicapped spaces shall comply with Section 4.7.4. Column sizes, spacing and encroachment into parking spaces may be permitted, subject to compliance with the City's guidelines.
Safety and Security Conditions (CPTED):
A.1.11 design development to reduce opportunities for theft in the underground;
Note to Applicant: Theft of and from auto is prevalent in the downtown core. Opportunities for theft can be mitigated through full separation of users. This includes separate gating, exits and elevators. Commercial/retail users must not have access to the residential tower lobby. The underground parking must be gated at the ramp after commercial hours with electronic communication for visitors. Consideration should be given to deleting the north elevator lobby door at lower ground level. Separate and secure parking for individual townhouses is considered positive. Separate shuttle elevator for commercial use is also considered positive.
A.1.12 design development to increase safety and visibility in the underground according to section 4.12 of the Parking By-Law with consideration to painting the walls and ceilings white.
A.1.13 design development to reduce opportunities for mischief to the west side of the development.
Note to Applicant: Provide clarification of future development at the Northwest exit to ensure that an unpleasant niche is not created by future development of the adjacent property.
A.1.14 design development to reduce opportunities for Graffiti.
Note to Applicant: Graffiti is prevalent in the downtown area and its removal, an expense to owners. More information is required regarding main floor landscape plans for the townhouses. Top of wall elevations are required regarding patios . Layered planting should be incorporated to reduce areas of exposed walls along these patios.
Landscape Conditions:
A.1.15 Provision of a complete' Landscape Plan, specifically a plant list keyed to the planting plan.
Note to Applicant: A preliminary' landscape plan has been submitted for this complete' application .
A.1.16 all proposed trees should be clearly legible on the landscape submission;
A.1.17 all proposed patios/upper decks should be clearly noted as to their use and which floor they are associated with;
A.1.18 all proposed hard surfacing (patios, decks, walkways, etc.) should be specified on the Landscape Plan;
A.1.19 all planters and plant proposed under building overhangs, specifically all planters along Hastings Street should be illustrated on the landscape plan;
A.1.20 provide small trees in all the planters proposed along Hastings Street;
A.1.21 provide low planting in the right of way along Hastings Street;
A.1.22 design development to provide permanent seating and better integrate the public amenity elements (paving, trees, etc.) at the corner of Nicola and Pender Streets;
Note to Applicant: The proposed grass boulevard treatment on West Pender Street should be replaced with a standard exposed aggregate concrete paving treatment, given the commercial use at grade level.
A.2 Standard Engineering Conditions:
A.2.1 indicate City building grades and corresponding design grades at all entrances, on both sides of crossing at property line and on both sides of all ramp breakpoints in parking structure;
A.2.2 indicate design elevations on parking level P4;
A.2.3 indicate 1.5 m x 1.5 m corner cut-off at the southeast corner of the site correctly;
Note to Applicant: This area is road and no portion of the structure/development should be within this area above or below grade.
A.2.4 columns should be located as per the Parking and Loading Guidelines and not to exceed 1.2 m setback from either end of the stall;
Note to Applicant: On P1 near gridline 7, a column is located mid-point in the stall. Also, one metre columns are setback 0.6 m in many stalls without corresponding increase in stall widths.
A.2.5 parking spaces R11, R85, R161 and C13 on P1, P2, P3 and lower ground, respectively, are to be deleted to provide adequate turning swaths for two-way traffic flow;
A.2.6 delete parking spaces R65 and R141 on P2 and P3;
Note to Applicant: Two motorcycle parking spaces may be provided located parallel to the stairwell wall leaving a one metre clearance from the northeast and southeast corners of the stairwell enclosure. These are not to be counted as part of the total parking.
A.2.7 clarify whether the areas beside parking spaces R11, R85, R161 and C13 on P1, P2, P3 and lower ground, respectively, are painted or raised islands;
Note to Applicant: These are to be painted only as to not obstruct the turning radius for vehicles passing each other.
A.2.8 install a bollard next to parking stall C8 to prevent a small vehicle from being parked there;
Note to Applicant: A motorcycle parking space would be acceptable.
A.2.9 provide a minimum of 3.5 m clearance to the underside of the building across the entire length of the driveway and to ensure that this clearance will not be compromised by sprinkler heads, pipes or any other obstruction;
A.2.10 provide a double throat width on the first loading space located next to the air intake shaft;
A.2.11 clarify purpose of area marked with lines adjacent to the loading spaces;
Note to Applicant: Turning swath of truck crosses over some of the class B bicycle parking spaces.
A.2.12 clarify access corridor from loading to CRU's;
A.2.13 arrangements shall be made to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Engineering Services for a crossing application;
A..2.14 street trees must conform to standard tree spacing. Tree species must be approved by the Board of Parks and Recreation. Before purchase of trees, final tree locations to be determined to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Engineering Services;
Note to Applicant: A separate application to the Engineering Department is required for street trees, grates and other sidewalk treatment. A copy of the landscape plan must be submitted directly to the Engineering Services.
A.2.15 a requirement of the rezoning of the property was to make arrangements for various street works adjacent the site. This requirement was secured by way of a "servicing agreement" that allows for either a letter of credit or a covenant to meet the obligation - please clarify which approach has or will be taken, and, if necessary, make arrangements to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Engineering Services and the Director of Legal Services;
Note to Applicant: Plans do not reflect a small jog in the west property line.
A.3 Standard Vancouver Health Board Conditions:
A.3.1 an acoustical consultant's report shall be submitted which assesses noise impacts on the site and recommends noise mitigation measures for:
(a) noise outside the site, i.e., traffic, etc.,
(b) noise inside the premises, i.e., noise from a commercial portion of the building to the residential portion of the same building;
A.3.2 confirmation is supplied by the applicant that the acoustical measures will be incorporated into the final design, based on the consultant's recommendations as concurred with or amended by the Medical Health Officer;
A.3.3 confirmation is supplied by the applicant that adequate and effective acoustic separation will be provided between the commercial and residential portions of the building;
A.3.4 confirmation is supplied by the applicant that mechanical equipment (ventilators, generators, compactors and exhaust systems) will be designed and located to minimize the noise impact on the neighbourhood and to comply with Noise By-law #6555.
B.1 Standard Notes to Applicant:
B.1.1 The applicant is advised to note the comments of the Permits and Licenses, Health Board and Fire Departments contained in the Staff Committee Report dated
B.1.2 It should be noted that if conditions 1.0 and 2.0 have not been complied with on or before May 1, 2000, this Development Application shall be deemed to be refused, unless the date for compliance is first extended by the Director of Planning.
B.1.3 This approval is subject to any change in the Official Development Plan and the Zoning and Development Bylaw or other regulations affecting the development that occurs before the permit is issuable. No permit that contravenes the bylaw or regulations can be issued.
B.1.4 Revised drawings will not be accepted unless they fulfill all conditions noted above. Further, written explanation describing point-by-point how conditions have been met, must accompany revised drawings. An appointment should be made with the Plan Checker when the revised drawings are ready for submission.
B.1.5 A new development application will be required for any significant changes other than those required by the above-noted conditions.
B.2 Conditions of Development Permit:
B.2.1 All approved off-street vehicle parking, loading and unloading spaces, and bicycle parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with the relevant requirements of the Parking By-law within 60 days of the date of issuance of any required occupancy permit or any use of occupancy of the proposed development not requiring an occupancy permit and thereafter permanently maintained in good condition.
B.2.2 All landscaping and treatment of the open portions of the site shall be completed in accordance with the approved drawings within six (6) months of the date of issuance of any required occupancy permit or any use or occupancy of the proposed development not requiring an occupancy permit and thereafter permanently maintained in good condition.
B.2.3 Any phasing of the development, other than that specifically approved, that results in an interruption of continuous construction to completion of the development, will require application to amend the development to determine the interim treatment of the incomplete portions of the site to ensure that the phased development functions are as set out in the approved plans, all to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning.
B.2.4 Amenity areas amounting to a total of 88 m² , located on the ground level, excluded from the computation of floor space ratio, shall not be put to any other use, except as described in the approved application for the exclusion. Access and availability of the use of all amenity facilities located in the project shall be made to all residents, occupants and/or tenants of this building;
Further, the amenity spaces and facilities approved as part of this Development Permit shall be provided and thereafter permanently maintained for use by residents/users/tenants of this building complex.
Comments or questions? You can send us e-mail.
Last modified: February 17, 2000
(c) 2000 City of Vancouver